

My process for making art starts with thumbnail sketches made next to my journal - the two tied together. My life, my philosophy, my ethics, all evolve into my artwork.

From the selected sketches, I decide on a substrate to paint/draw on - be it wood, canvas, linen or thick cotton paper.

The next step involves a small study, say 10x8”, on which to pencil an outline from the chosen thumbnail as a guide. Following this is determining an initial choice of color.

Here, as in sketching, I do not want my conscious mind to guide me, but to allow my subconscious or intuitive sense in the selection of color.

The reason behind this method is to allow for a flow, a getting lost to find the right combination from a deeper place within me.

Color, especially, is my most true and emotional expression - I want it to just pour out of me.

After all of the colors are down, an overall protective clear layer is sprayed on the surface to complete the work.