The more I consider why I make art, the more I realize it’s about pleasure.
The pleasure of making something beyond myself - beyond what was imagined.
Am intrigued by the relationship between form and color: how size, shape, intensity of color affect one other within a given space; how colors and forms can be dissonant and harmonious at the same time.
Through formal shapes and structures emerges an emotional expression via color.
The ultimate objective is to achieve a certain purity through the art.
My process starts with an enjoyment of sketching - pencil lines on textured paper, line delineating form followed by color painted on wood or canvas to follow.
I strive for my artwork to transmit a spiritual order.
We’re all searching for meaning, for connection - art can provide me with this intimate dynamic.
I make art to achieve harmony within myself, to explore my capabilities and share with others that which I have discovered.
Color is my pure expression of emotion.
I strongly suggest seeing Jeffrey Leder’s one person drawing show at the West Broadway Gallery in Soho.
Barbara Rose
New York Magazine